Leroy is a 12 lb 5 mos old ( as of 3/15/15) small to medium sized mixed breed dog. Leroy is fun, kind and loves to romp and play. Leroy is currently is foster with many other dogs and cats and doing well. He even likes chickens! Quiet and easy going, this little guy makes friends with everyone he meets. Leroy is working hard on crate and house training after a long unexpected stay in boarding. What a ham this little guy is! Fun, adorable and ready to learn whatever you want him too. Treat motivated and loving, this little guy will wiggle his way into your heart. Are oyu ready for your own Leroy?
* Please include an application from our website with your inquires on Leroy.
More about Leroy
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Leroy (click to see larger version):